Cervilon Tablet Uses


This is ayurvedic medicine which provides relief from joint pain and helps improve blood circulation. It also helps prevent cervical issues such as muscle pain, stiffness, back pain, and arthritis. Made from natural ingredients like Salakki, Saptaparni, Bael, Ashwagandha, Amla, Nirgundi, and Rasn, it offers a holistic approach to managing these health concerns.

Cervilon Tablet

Benefits of Cervilon Tablets

  • It Helps to improve blood circulation in joint muscles.
  • Also reduces symptoms of arthritis.
  • Enhancement in mobility and relieves stiffness in muscle.

Side Effects of Cervilon Tablets

Side EffectsDetails
NauseaFeeling of uneasiness or discomfort in the stomach, often accompanied by the urge to vomit.
Stomach UpsetIrritation or pain in the stomach, sometimes leading to indigestion or discomfort.
DizzinessA sensation of lightheadedness or feeling off-balance.
Allergic ReactionsSymptoms such as skin rashes, itching, swelling, or breathing difficulties.
Liver or Kidney ProblemsPossible damage or impaired function of these organs, often detected through medical tests.
Cardiovascular ProblemsIssues related to heart health, such as irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.


The price ranges between INR 80 and 100 depending on the brand.

Direction of use

Do not take it without consulting a doctor.

FAQ on Cervilon Tablet Uses

What is the use of Cervilon capsules?

It provides relief from joint pain.

Should you take Cervilon before or after food?

Most of the time, after eating a meal.

What is the use of cerviheal softgel capsules?

Supports better management of arthritis.

What is the use of Cervilon oil?

Using this oil can help relieve joint pain, neck pain or back pain effectively.

Which medicine is best for cervical spine?

There are many medicines available in the market for cervical pain, but it’s important to use the one prescribed by your doctor based on your health condition.

What are the ingredients in Cervilon?

Made from natural ingredients like Salakki, Saptaparni, Bael, Ashwagandha, Amla, Nirgundi, and Rasn. some times use more ayurvedic herbs for manufacturing.

What are the benefits of Cervilon?

It improves blood circulation in the joints and muscles, providing relief from pain.

What are the side effects of Cervilon capsules?

Side Effects
Feeling of uneasiness or discomfort in the stomach, often accompanied by the urge to vomit.
Stomach Upset
Irritation or pain in the stomach, sometimes leading to indigestion or discomfort.
A sensation of lightheadedness or feeling off-balance.
Allergic Reactions
Symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, swelling, or breathing difficulties.
Liver or Kidney Problems
Possible damage or impaired function of these organs, often detected through medical tests.
Cardiovascular Problems
Issues related to heart health, such as irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.

When should I take Cervilon tablets?

You can take it after lunch and dinner.

How to sleep with neck pain?

Sometimes, this can happen because of improper sleeping positions over a long period. To avoid it, try sleeping in the Shavasana pose and consult a doctor for proper guidance.

How does cervilon work?

It works by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain and promotes healing by improving blood circulation in the affected area.

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